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City Planning Department

Intelligent Transportation System

Utilize technology to improve the safety and efficiency of the transportation system.


Photo of Dynamic Message Signs in Mission Valley

Mission Valley. Dynamic message signs
demonstrate how technology can reduce delays
by alerting motorists before congestion occurs.

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) allow us to utilize technology to improve transportation safety, capacity, travel times, service quality, and enable people to make smart travel choices. The planning and implementation of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are part of the City's long-range strategy for improving the operational safety and efficiency of our City's streets and the region's freeway and transit systems.

The City is committed to developing a comprehensive ITS Plan as a necessary step towards effective implementation and operation of the existing and future ITS in the City. The plan will identify the City's existing and future ITS infrastructure operations, and maintenance needs and facilitate the City's future connections to the region's developing ITS network. This will enable the City to coordinate further with the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), other local cities, and state agencies to manage the overall performance of both the local and regional transportation systems. The ITS network will help to better manage the region's freeways, roads, transit, incidents and emergency response, special events, commercial vehicle operations, and traveler information.


The City is seeking funding to develop the ITS Plan. The City continues to coordinate with SANDAG on the development of the region's ITS.

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