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Get Involved

The structure for community participation and development of the Mobility Study alternatives is a community driven approach, with many opportunities for the community to provide valuable input and assistance in shaping a consensus-based plan that reflects the community's unique combination of values, interests, and needs. The community is encouraged to voice his or her ideas or concerns at every public meeting, including the community workshops, walk audits, and all other publicly-noticed meetings.

The Rosecrans Corridor Mobility Study includes an extensive public involvement strategy to ensure that the goals and policies in the plan reflect the priorities and concerns of the entire community. Specifically, the community participation framework integrates mechanisms for interaction and feedback with the surrounding communities and a variety of decision-makers. These include (1) the adjacent communities including the Old Town, Midway, and Peninsula communities, (2) the Project Workshop Group (PWG), and (3) the City of San Diego and the City Council. At the Project Working Group meetings as well as community workshops, community members are included in the discussion and deliberation of meeting topics.

Community Open House
Thursday, November 12, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
NTC Promenade Event Center
2875 Dewey, San Diego, CA 92106
View the Community Open House Flyer