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Lose the Roaditude

Lose the Roaditude - Go Positive. Arrive Safely

We're Out on the Streets to Keep You Moving Safely San Diego, Watch For Us!

Your safety on the roadways is our first priority! Whether you travel on foot, by bike or car, be smart to arrive safely at your final destination. Be alert to your surroundings and follow all the rules of the road. Remember, always maintain a positive attitude and be courteous to others. If you go positive, we all arrive safely!

The City of San Diego and the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) have partnered in an effort to promote safety among cyclists, motorists and pedestrians. The Lose the Roaditude campaign is aimed toward increasing the awareness of common rules and curbing aggression among these three groups. We consider people's willingness to ignore these rules or act in negligence as "Roaditude." This campaign encourages people to "Lose the Roaditude" through a positive series of heightened reminders promoting safety and respect on the road, such as:

  • Crossing at crosswalks
  • Looking both ways before crossing
  • Yielding to pedestrians crossing at intersections
  • Watching your speed
  • Stopping at stop signs and signals
  • Bicycling with the flow of traffic
  • Sharing the road when no bike lane is present
  • Wearing bright colors at night

Through the Lose the Roaditude Campaign, we strive to foster respect among cyclists, motorists and pedestrians and encourage them to share the road safely by reducing aggressive attitudes while biking, driving and walking. Ultimately, the campaign goal is to modify the behaviors of these three groups in order to decrease the number of crashes, injuries and fatalities.

Important Documents

Contact Us

For more information about this campaign, please e-mail us at or call the Public Information Line at (619) 533-4207.

2009 © City of San Diego | Paid for with grant funding from the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)