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Boards and Commissions

All Boards and Commissions

The Community Forest Advisory Board meets the second Wednesday of each month, and the public is welcome to attend. Meetings convene at 10 a.m. at Valencia Park/Malcolm X Branch Library.

Community Forest Advisory Board Agendas and Minutes Community Forest Advisory Board Duties and Functions

Community Reinvestment Review Advisory Committee

Except when noted, Ethics Commission meetings are held at 5 p.m. in the Council Committee Room on the 12th floor of the City Administration Building, at 202 C Street in downtown San Diego.

Ethics Commission Agendas and Minutes Ethics Commission Duties and Functions

The Commission on Gang Prevention and Intervention usually meets on the third Thursday of every other month at 5:30 p.m. The Commission meets in the communities around the City.

Agendas and Minutes Duties and Functions

Historical Resources Board

Website for Historical Resources Board

Historical Resources Board meetings typically occur on the fourth Thursday of each month, unless changed due to holidays or for other reasons. The meetings are usually held in the North Terrace Rooms, City Concourse, 202 C Street., in downtown San Diego

Historical Resources Board Agendas and Minutes Historical Resources Board Duties and Functions