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City Planning Department

Get Involved

Photo of Public Forum

Promoting Citizen Involvement in the Planning Process

You’ve come to the right place to find out more about how you can get involved in shaping present and future development in San Diego.

How Can I Get Involved?

Photo of Park

Get involved with
the Park and Recreation Boards

There are many different ways to get involved in issues, projects and programs that impact the quality of life in your community and the City overall. For example, Friends of the Library committees provide opportunities to support your local library and promote literacy. Park and recreation boards provide opportunities to influence the provision of park space and recreational programming within a community. Many other boards and committees focus on specific areas of interest. Community Planning Groups (CPG) focus on establishing a long-term vision for development of the community and reviewing development proposals for consistency with that vision.

Getting Involved In Your Community

To impact the quality of life in your community, get involved with issues, projects and programs, and get your voice heard. Community Planning Groups give citizens the opportunity to provide input to many City decision makers.

Other City Involvement

There are several ways to get involved in your community. You might volunteer your time and space or make donations.

Learn about more ways to get involved: