Cyber Tools

Cyber Tools

Free licenses for the following products are available to local San Diego organizations courtesy of the San Diego Regional Cyber Lab and its partners. Please fill out the form below to request a license for your organization. Once your request is reviewed and your organization’s eligibility is confirmed, you will receive an email with instructions to obtain your free license.


My eCISO, a conversational AI chat bot utilizing Anthropic’s Claude 3 Haiku Large Language Model (LLM), has been developed to provide custom cyber security evaluations through a natural language conversation utilizing the NIST framework. After speaking with My eCISO, users receive a PDF “cyber report card” which summarizes where you are performing well and where you should focus on improving. If you believe you could use assistance in identifying blind spots in your cyber security practices, My eCISO is here to support you. Click below to speak with My eCISO today.


Cyber Range

Accessible online through a secure virtual private network, the Free Cyber Range has dozens of systems available for defending against attacks and conducting ethical hacking. It includes open source cyber tools and pre-built training exercises to perform vulnerability assessments, penetration testing and intrusion detection. Users can create custom exercises with the goal of building a library of use cases for others in the San Diego region to utilize. The range can also be used for technology demonstrations and validation testing of information systems, among other things.

Haiku (World of Haiku & Haiku Pro)

The Cyber Center of Excellence (CCOE) and Haiku Cyber Range have developed a cloud-based cyber range available through a web browser to allow training of offensive, defensive and forensic cybersecurity skills based on real-time government and industry input. This tool allows for quick creation of new ranges for specific training and tabletop cyber events, including government-sponsored classified collaborations. The range also connects to a cybersecurity training suite that provides a safe and immersive virtual environment for ethical hackers, or white hats.

Designed by and for ethical hackers, the Haiku Cyber Range is the cybersecurity equivalent of a flight simulator: users of all levels will develop real-world skills in a game-like virtual environment. It has been used by the U.S. government for hackathons, both domestically and internationally. The range is also supported by the annual SoCal Cyber Cup Challenge – hosted by the San Diego Chapter of the National Defense Industrial Association – that has helped thousands of students develop and bolster their defensive cybersecurity skills for over a decade.


CyberCatch offers the Cyber Incident Simulator – the world's first 3D online tabletop exercise simulation to test the cyber awareness and incident response plan for an organization business in 90 minutes. The simulator offers ransomware scenarios (periodically updated to address the latest cyber threats), a gap analysis checklist, a tabletop exercise certificate of compliance, and more.

Burp Suite Professional

Burp Suite is an integrated platform/graphical tool for performing security testing of web applications. Its various tools work seamlessly together to support the entire testing process, from initial mapping and analysis of an application's attack surface, through to finding and exploiting security vulnerabilities.


Pluralsight is an online learning and workforce development platform that helps businesses and individuals adjust to changing technology. Using a data-driven approach, the platform focuses on training for tech-based professions, such as IT operations, security and software development, as well as leadership, including managers and product leaders.


Keep track of all your devices that are directly accessible from the Internet. Shodan provides a comprehensive view of all exposed services to help you stay secure. Within 5 minutes of using Shodan you will see what you currently have connected to the Internet within your network range and be setup with real-time notifications when something unexpected shows up.


Cyber Tools Request Form