We are all creatives, expressing the vitality of our city in unique art, ideas and industry. We are a cultural capital alive with a rhythm that moves discovery and ingenuity. Together we form a vibrant community of ecosystems and people sharing experiences, insight and practices.
Creative City is San Diego’s first cultural plan to advance arts, culture and creativity in shaping the city’s future. It provides a comprehensive, long-term framework to sustain and grow our creative sector and sets forth a shared vision for the creative life of all San Diegans. Welcome in.
The Creative City Cultural Plan is available here

Blindspot Collective; Prophet WorldBeat Productions; La Jolla Playhouse. Photo: Kevin Berne; Project [BLANK]; SD Practice exhibition (photo credit: Pablo Mason); Derek Story
The City of San Diego is committed to providing an equitable and inclusive environment for all individuals. Consistent with these principles and applicable laws, the City reasonably provides translation, interpretation, alternative formats, disability-related modifications or accommodations. Requests for these services may be made by email to arts@sandiego.gov.
arts@sandiego.gov Traducción e Interpretación | Been Dịch và Thông Dịch | 口笔译服务 | خدمات ترجمه کتبی و ترجمه شفاهی | خدمات الترجمة التحريرية والفوري | خدمات ترجمان مکتوب و شفاهی, 번역 및 통역 서비스, | Serbisyo ng Pagsasalin at Interpretasyon