Imagine Public Spaces Workshop Registration

Formulario de Inscripción al Taller Imagine Public Spaces

Items marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Contact Info
Workshop Details
Dietary Preference | Preferencia Dietética

This is a family-friendly event. Please indicate how many people will be attending the workshop with you.  (Example: Enter “0” if you are coming alone, enter “1” if you are bringing a child or parent, enter “2” if you are bringing both of your parents or two children).

 Familias están invitadas a este evento. Por favor indique cuantas personas atenderán el taller con usted. (Por ejemplo: Ingrese “0” si viene solo, ingrese “1” si trae a un niño o a un padre, ingrese “2” si trae ambos padres o dos niños). 

Will you be bringing anyone under the age of 10? | ¿Va a traer a alguien menor de 10 años?
Which event will you be attending? | ¿Que taller atenderá?