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Commission for Arts and Culture

Advocacy & Outreach Committee

Advocates for the role and value of arts and culture in civic life; evaluates the City's allocation of TOT funds for arts and culture and strongly advocates for increasing arts and culture funding to levels which measurably support the vitality and stability of established arts and cultural organizations and which foster an environment attractive to and nurturing of emerging arts and cultural organizations; advocates for and explores alternate sources of arts and culture funding including, but not limited to, grants, donations and corporate sponsorships; advocates for City public policy, legislation, programs and services that foster a wide range of arts and cultural offerings which engage a diverse public audience; advocates for the fair distribution of arts and culture amenities across each City Council district and throughout the City's neighborhoods; serves as the City's advocates for arts and culture within the City Council, as well as the private sector, local, regional, state and federal governments, and international entities, such as Mexico, Canada, Japan and other Pacific Rim countries; interfaces with the San Diego Regional Arts and Culture Coalition.

Chair: Tyler Hewes
Vice Chair: Rebecca Smith