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Department of Cultural Affairs

Katie Giritlian

Floating Photo Studios


Born 1993 in Los Angeles, California 
Lives in Brooklyn, New York

Katie Giritlian is San Diego artist Beck Haberstroh's collaborator for Park Social, who she’s worked with since 2016. Giritlian is an artist and arts worker. Her research focuses on SWANA (South West Asian + North African) photo studio practices established in homelands and diaspora. With a focus on Armenian photography studios and workshops built post-genocide in now-occupied-Palestine, Katie’s research engages the history of photography and lens-based activities more broadly as an entry point to learn and share collaborative processes for self-determined documentation. Giritlian is a co-founder of rehearsal, a residency for experimentation in a social context, and organizer of paper cameras press, a publishing platform for developing co-authored photography curricula.