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City Council

The People's Business - July 23, 2021

The COVID-19 Response and Recovery Committee meets just as concerns grow about the pandemic’s resurgence.  Monday’s meeting includes an update on the latest numbers from the County, plans from local school districts and an update on outdoor business operations.


From the Office of Council President Jennifer Campbell Campbell


COVID-19 Response and Recovery Committee Meeting – July 26, 2021 – 9 a.m.


Coucilmember Marni Von Wilpert leads the CR&R meeting with four items on the Information Agenda.


County COVID UpdateItem 1 – San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency COVID-19 Update - Dr. Jennifer Tuteur with the San County Health and Human Services Agency will update the Committee on COVID-19 developments focusing on vaccination rates for ages 12-25, data regarding the number of cases in the County that are tied to the delta variant, and hospitalization rates related to the vaccinated and unvaccinated population.



Item 2 – COVID-19 Response and Upcoming School Year Plan for School Districts in San Diego County - A Representative from the San Diego Unified School District will provide information about the District’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and their preparations for the 2021-2022 School Year. Representatives from Poway Unified and Sweetwater Union High School Districts will also be available to share their efforts.



Item 3 - Stop Covid-19 California: A Community and Academic Collaboration To Promote Equitable Responses To Covid-19 For Underserved Communities – (1) Background on the STOP COVID-19 CA UC San Diego/Global ARC project and key community engagement activities; (2) Highlights from the state-wide CEAL working groups on identifying and addressing barriers to vaccination and vaccine hesitancy; and (3) Preliminary data about vaccine hesitancy.


TOBOItem 4 - Spaces as Places - Informational Item - “Spaces as Places” is the City of San Diego’s proposed program to transition temporary outdoor spaces, which were allowed to replace indoor capacity in response to the COVID-19 pandemic which significantly restricted indoor operations, to permanent places that safely bring people together to dine, play and gather.   The Planning Department has been working with various City departments to develop draft regulations to ensure compliance with regulations related to fire safety and access, stormwater, ADA accessibility, and traffic safety, making public health and safety the top priority. 


To participate in the meeting, click on the agendas and follow the instructions

You can watch the meeting on cable TV channel 24 or AT&T channel 99, or  stream it online (external link). 

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