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City Council

The People's Business - March 1, 2021

March begins with the promise of Spring and an exciting month at City Council.  In the final two weeks of the month and first few days of April, the City Council goes on legislative recess, allowing for a sort of Spring Break.   During that time, some will celebrate, Passover, Cesar Chavez Day, Easter and Padres Opening Day.


City Council Meeting – Mar. 2, 2021

Councilmembers will meet to discuss the Closed Session Agenda at 9 a.m.  They will return at 11 a.m. for the Open Session Agenda which includes two consent items.  Two proclamations will be presented to the Council, one for the People’s Association of Justice Advocates and Rev. Shane Harris Day, and another for San Diego Black LGBTQ Coalition Day in the City of San Diego.


Three informational items will be presented to Councilmembers:

IT Performance Audit of Citywide Data Classification and Sensitive Data Encryption (Item 330) – The City has been undertaking the effort to manage its data among several different departments.  The Office of the City Auditor has five recommendations to develop, centralize and formalize the City’s data management program.


Front Rack ServerIT Performance Audit of Legacy Applications (Item 331) –The City of San Diego has a significant number of older systems that may be considered Legacy IT Systems, i.e. systems that are outdated or no longer effectively support modern operational needs.  The Office of the City Auditor has made 11 recommendations to improve how the City identifies, tracks and prioritizes the replacement of legacy systems.


2020 City of San Diego Pay Equity Study (Item S500) – Last year, the Performance and Analytics Department partnered with Analytica Consulting to conduct a detailed study to identify and understand earnings gaps amongst City employee groups, and investigate and recommend responses to root causes of earnings gaps.  The department will present their findings and recommendations.


On to the discussion items…

Extension of the Emergency Recall and Retention Ordinance (Item 332) – The Emergency Recall and Retention Ordinance for Employees Working in the Service and Hospitality Industry Due to the Declared State of Emergency from COVID-19 is set to expire March 8, 2020.  The council will consider at 12 month extension.


RB Easement VacationRB Vista Easement Vacations (Item 333) – The Development Services Department proposes approval of a Public Pedestrian Access Easement Vacation and Public Water Easement Vacation in Rancho Bernardo.  Due to the current development of the site, the recorded easements were never utilized and were determined not to be needed for public use.



To participate in the meetings, click on the agenda and follow the instructions. 

You can watch the meeting on cable TV channel 24 or AT&T channel 99, or stream it online

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Campbell   From the Office of Council President Jennifer Campbell