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Independent Budget Analyst (IBA)


The Office of the Independent Budget Analyst would like to thank you for taking the time to complete the following survey. Our office developed this survey in order to ensure that we are providing you with the best possible service and to identify what we can do in the future to aid in your understanding of our local government.

Please answer the following questions and again thank you for your time.


Part I - IBA Website

  Strongly Agree Agree Don't Know Disagree Strongly Disagree
1. The IBA website was helpful to me during my information search
2. I was able to easily find the IBA's webpage from the City of San Diego's home page
3. I was able to easily navigate the IBA's webpage
4. It was easy to locate the IBA's reports on their webpage

Part II - IBA Reports

1. Have you ever read a report issued by the Office of the Independent Budget Analyst?
If you answered yes to the above question, please continue on to question 2
Please read the following statements and check the box that best indicates your level of agreement. If the statement does not apply, please indicate on the appropriate line.
  Strongly Agree Agree Don't Know Disagree Strongly Disagree
2. I find the IBA's reports helpful in clarifying City issues
3. The IBA's reports are clear and easy to understand
4. The IBA's reports are easy to access
5. The IBA's reports address issues that are important to me

Part III - Comments


Thank you for your assistance and participation in this survey. It will be helpful to us in evaluating and improving upon our work.

Andrea Tevlin, Independent Budget Analyst