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Capital Improvements Program (CIP)

Balboa Park Pipeline Replacement, Phase II

Project Description

This project provides for the replacement of approximately 1.92 miles of existing water mains in Balboa Park. After replacing the water mains, Park Boulevard will be resurfaced and restriped to include transit improvements, including a separated bikeway.

The paving activity consists of removing the old pavement via grinding and installing a new 3-inch-thick laid of asphalt pavement.

The restriping activity includes a vehicle lane, a dedicated bus lane and a Class 4 buffered bike lane to improve safety for all road users. High-visibility crosswalks and pedestrian improvements are also included. In April 2023, minor updates were made to the originally proposed striping plan. The lane widths were slightly adjusted to account for variations across the road segment and an altered intersection treatment was required to mitigate potential conflicts between bike lane users and turning vehicles. That means that bike lane users will merge with the right-turn lane at the signalized intersections. A planned future project will upgrade these traffic signals to provide a contiguous Class 4 bike lane through the intersections and extend the lanes south to provide a complete link from the Downtown to Uptown neighborhoods.

In August 2023, the project scope was extended to include the paving and striping of Park Boulevard from Presidents Way to the Interstate 5 (I-5) South on/State Route 163 (SR-163) South off-ramp. This work is being coordinated with Caltrans as it crosses over I-5, which is Caltrans' right of way. To extend the striping plan, this project will repurpose 45 on-street parking spaces from Presidents Way to the I-5 South on/SR-163 South off-ramp. This paving and striping will take place overnight beginning in the fall of 2023. A location map has been created to show the project modifications.

Contact Us

For questions about this project, contact the Engineering & Captial Projects Department at 619-533-4207, email or submit your inquiry online. Please reference "Balboa Park Pipeline Replacement, Phase II" in your inquiry.