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Capital Improvements Program (CIP)

City of San Diego Public Works Department holds the first ever Consultant Industry Quarterly

Public Works

The City of San Diego?s first Consultant Industry Quarterly Outreach Meeting was held on January 10, 2013. Over 90 attendees joined representatives of the City?s Public Works Department at the forum held at Ridgehaven Auditorium. Speakers included Tony Heinrichs (Public Works Director), James Nagelvoort (Public Works Assistant Director), Henry Foster (Equal Opportunity Contracting Interim Director of Administration), Al Rechany (Program Manager of Public Works Contracting), and Mohsen Maali (Senior Engineer of Standards and Quality Control).

Topics of discussion included an overview of the new Capital Improvements Program (CIP) website, and PlanetBids. The new CIP website has been updated with user friendly navigation for projects and information. PlanetBids will launch in March for bidding and contracting opportunities. The new process includes posting of the City?s solicitations, bid and proposal submittal, contractor prequalification application, and public access to bids and contractsall online!

In addition, open forum discussion generated interest from attendees for the first ever City Council Infrastructure Subcommittee Meeting which is scheduled for Monday, January 28, 2013. The meeting will be held at the City Administration Building, 202 C Street, 12th floor from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

The next Consultant Industry Quarterly Meeting will be held on April 30, 2013. James Nagelvoort asked for feedback from the attendees in the open forum setting for future agenda items. ?We will provide answers to your questions, and bring City representatives to future meetings to ensure we cover your agenda items for discussions,? James said at the conclusion of the meeting. If you would like to be added to the invitee list, please send your request to