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Development Services

4226 Admas Ave Lots 3 & 4

4226 ADMAS AVE LOTS 3 & 4.tif ~,"ffl,a--..t.--~ ~,. ~,'Ir"~ ' "'"}6...... ~;;...,.. ~.. LP,,J'f-"rp-:-"~si_ff.,__ ~_-.":'., ~~-'.:-. l '---~~.___Y;-.:,....., La"ts 3 & 4- Permit to Mrs Minita S Banks to maintiin multilith printing service~ 4226 Adams Ave i:onditional R..:s 2824 1/28/48-,7 Lots 1 &'2- Cond'l permit to Matt & Mary C Leuthard, owner & Wm N & LorenelF Dwyer, pur to const'max 8 liv unlts 1' rear yd E side Biona Dr approx 80' N of Adams "- Res 4704 5/31/50 Lots l & 2- Amendment to Res 4704 cond permit to Matt& 1 Mary C Leuthard, owner & Wm N & Lorene F Dwyer, pur, to const a max of 6 liv units with 4 gar spaces & 1 surfaced area 11 'x20' E side Btona Dr 80' N of Adams Res 4973 8/15/50 Lots 1 & 2- Permit to William Dwyer to build 6 unit ct & gar with 20' rear yd at 4717 Siona Dr Zone R-1 Res 5046 10/11/50 Lots 3 & 4- Classification of Use- Photographic Art Service- 4224 Adams Ave.- Mr. Carl Matthews. Res.#178478 1-7-64-Lots_3_&_4_:_ci;;;1r1c;i1~~-~r-u;;-:-s;i;:-;;j;.;;-;~d-~1r1~;i;~~-~i-;~i1~;i------- 1nstruments snop- 4230 Adams Avenue- Gordon B. Lowell'_____________________________________________________ Res #201393____ 12-15-70________