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Development Services

La Jolla Country Club Heights Block C Card 1

LA JOLLA COUNTRY CLUB HEIGHTS BLOCK C CARD 1.tif-~~,,-, '.----.-,--, LA JOLLA COUNTRY CLUB HEIGHTS BLOCK C ~----~---41'3'tARD"'if'r Lot 9- Permit to Leland W & Marjorie Miller to erect gar 31 13"x22 1 to be a gar & home workshop, caretaker's sleeping rm above 9 1 rear yd 72;11 Carrizo Dr Res 4963 9/6/50 Lot 13- Permit to Conrad & Marcia Will to const work rm addn to exist sin fam dwell Exis garage obs & addn to obs at closest pt, an 18 1 rear yd where 20' req, Map 1975, at 7241 Carrizo Dr. bet Country Club Dr. and end of St., Zone Rl-10---------------------------------------------------- (1}1o896- N.H.----brick Jalf14-71---- ---- Lot 5- Permit to Kirk L. & Jeanette F. Peterson to/erect approx 60'/on frnt PL ranging in ht. from 2 1 to 4 1 obs at closest pt a 0 1 frnt yd where max 3 1 wall is perm in rec 20 1 frnt yd plus additional walls within frnt yd, 4 1 max ht, w/lamps on top, as per plans on file, dated 8/10/72; (2) install garage door within non-conf por of gar (non-conf gar obs 17 1 frnt yd, where 20 1 is req; 7330 Romero Dr betw Country C 1 ub Dr & Brodi aea Way, Map 1975, Zone R-1-10. C-11403 NH 8/11/72 Lot 3- Permit to Robert & Mary Price to constructa.approx 452 sq. ft. garage addn to existing non conforming sin fam dwelling, por of which obs a 14' front yard; addn to also oserve 15' front yard where 20' is req, at 7354 Romero Drive Between Brodiaea and Counrty Club Drive, Zone R-1-10. c-12,542 5-3-74 AMENDED 5-28-74 (5-31-74)