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La Jolla Corona Estates #2 Card 1

LA JOLLA CORONA ESTATES #2 CARD 1.tif LA JOLLA CORONA E.ST"ATFS lJZ \ (o d-" ~ CARD... Lot 83- Permit to Wil.Hll Estates, W.. Chamnen., pres., to oonet sales office., 100 sq. ft. in aise, (with 3' x 81 painted sign 011 top of bldg DENIED) on Ii aide La Jolla Reho Rd., 1001 W or Rodeo Dr. R-1C, cond1 l Cue #858 11-19-56---------------------------------- Lot 112, Pel'llit to Robert E. & Mildred E. Vine to conet sin tam res & gar., obs 13 n.. SB at one conu,r (201 req} SW cor La Jolla Rancho Rd. & Ravenswood Rd ., Zone a-1c. case #2136 11-25-58------------------------------ Lot 109., Wilsel Enates, Inc. Wm. Chamness, Pres. 'l'OADldllt sin tam. res & gar obsen 1ng 10 tt.. SB Q,_01 req) s side La Jolla Rancho Rd.. ' . ' TABLED Case #1969 8-1-58---------------------------------- Lot 112, Ext. 6 lllODtbs to exp. 11-25-59 Rob. E. Vine Lot 112, Ext. 6 to exp. 5-25-60 Rob. E. Vine Cues #21'6 6-15-59 11-23-59------------------------------------ Lot 142, Permit to Chas W. & Millicent D. Froehlich to const sing tam res witJi att gar por ot corner of li v m on SBlJ" side obs 81 sideyd & 6 eaves (101 sideyd & 7t enea ~ prop line perm) La Jolla Rancho Rd, W1y side of cul de sac, R-1C, condl. I.H. Case #4.361 8-31-61------------------------------------------------------Lot 1.31, Permit to Ross E. &"Daisy o. Dickins9n to conat sing fa res & carport., with approx 10 1 carport eaves obs 7811 to 42" tna 17 prop Ln (78 perm) 5862 La Jolla Corona Dr. 1501 S of La Jolla Rancho Rd., R-1C. ca.. 114432 10-6-61------------------------------------------------