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File a Complaint

Any person who is dissatisfied with police services or believes they have witnessed or been a victim of police misconduct can file a complaint directly to the San Diego Police Department's Internal Affairs Unit using one or more of the following methods:

Ways to File a Complaint


This form is ONLY for filing a complaint against SDPD officers or police-related incidents. Fill out the form as completely as possible. The form can be submitted anonymously.

A San Diego Police Department Internal Affairs Detective Sergeant will review the complaint and respond as appropriate.

Online Form Formulario digital

By Phone


By Email

Fill out the printable form below as completely as possible and email to

In-Person or by Mail

Print and complete a copy of the printable form (listed above). 

Internal Affairs
1401 Broadway, MS 709
San Diego, CA 92101

Other Ways to File a Complaint

At a police station.

Please check for hours of operation.

To speak directly to a supervisor:

Call the San Diego Police Department Communications Division at 619-531-2000. A supervisor will be dispatched to contact the reporting person as soon as possible.

To the Chief of Police:

1401 Broadway
MS 700
San Diego, CA 92101

To the Mayor’s Office:

202 C St.
San Diego, CA 92101

To the Commission on Police Practices (CPP):

Procopio Towers Building
525 B St., 17th Floor - Suite 1725
San Diego, CA 92101
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Online CPP Complaint Form

What Happens After I File a Complaint?

Please visit the Frequently Asked Question for more information.