File a Complaint
On this page:
Any person who is dissatisfied with police services or believes they have witnessed or been a victim of police misconduct can file a complaint directly to the San Diego Police Department's Internal Affairs Unit using one or more of the following methods:
Other Ways to File a Complaint
At a police station.
Please check for hours of operation.
To speak directly to a supervisor:
Call the San Diego Police Department Communications Division at 619-531-2000. A supervisor will be dispatched to contact the reporting person as soon as possible.
To the Chief of Police:
1401 Broadway
MS 700
San Diego, CA 92101
To the Commission on Police Practices (CPP):
Procopio Towers Building
525 B St., 17th Floor - Suite 1725
San Diego, CA 92101
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Online CPP Complaint Form
What Happens After I File a Complaint?
Please visit the Frequently Asked Question for more information.