1_04675.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 107 Lots A to L- Permit to City of S,D., owaer & Alfred & Marvin Bobrof & Thomas Frye, lessee to erect approx 1000 sq ft of 8 1 high corrug. metal fence on top of exist retaining wall and fence ranging in ht. from O' to 15" or total overall ht. of 9'3" surrounding auto wrecking yard, betw 11th & 12th & Island & J Sts., condl Res. 5343 2-21-51----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOVE- amend res. 5343 to permit use of new corrugated aluminum or new galvanized steel in fence. Res. 5359 2-28-51 ALL OF BLOCK Im_: Permit to Harry L. Foster, owner & Thomas E. Brotton, lessee to maint. 8' high fence around wrecking yd, at 458 12th St. M-2 c-305 2-7-56 lots D through I- Permit GRANTED to SAN DIEGO RESCUE MISSION, A California Corporation, owner/permittee, to construct and operate a rescue mission and related facilities on the north side of J Street, between 11th and 12th avenues, Zone M-2. CUP #83-0417 10-31-83