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1_04696.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 179 Lot A & of Lot B- Permit to Lesley Hopkins 1045 14tn St, to operate a Bottling Works on the folloving conditions: (1) This variance is granted for a periof of 5 yrs from date of resolution (2) no work conducted on the premises betw 8 p.m. & 6 a.m. (3) Loading and unloading shall be conducted entirely within the bldg, Var to Ord 12942 Granted by Res. 76498 Kar 24, 1942 (Expires 3-24-47) Ely 86.5' of Lot I(including Lots, 6,- 9, Olmsted's Subd of Hortons Addn)- to Wm. T. Edwards to bld toilet add to exist duplex in rear of 1444 Broadway & maint. 7' rear yd. Res. 303 6-10-43 Lot D & W30' of I- Condl; permit to A.B. & June Charroin (Charroin Mfg Co.) to conduct the mfg of ladies clothing at 103114th St. Res. 694 8-17-44 S10' of W 59,25' of Lot J & E 87.25 of Lot I- Permit to Wm.T, & Goldie M. Edwards to erect 9' hi by 70' long chain link fence with 12" ext arms above proj inward with 3 strands of barbed wire on arms, resulting in fence 8 1 above aver adj grnd level along rear p.l. of Por of Lot I & side p.l. of Lot j at 1033 14th St. (rear) Zone C condl c-5281 11-9-62------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------