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Development Services

(2nd)Fortuna Park Addn. Block 1 Card 1

(2ND)FORTUNA PARK ADDN. BLOCK 1 CARD 1.tif (SECOND) FORTUNA PARK ADDI'fi~N BLOCK 1 Lots 31 & 32- Permit DENIED to Ralph E. Barber, Sr. to const 3 unit apt bldg, one unit served by 6 16" access on W side of Haines betv Fortuna Ave. & Pacific Beach Dr. C-930 12-27-56----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 26 & 27- Permit to Doug Freeland, Phil Gordon and Bob Kaul to const a 3-story duplex on a Jot with an exs sfd, res in 44% coverage at 4020 Haines Street. Zone R-2A. iaRixi Condition. C-14508 NH. 7-27-77.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 28, 29 & 30- Permit to Douglas P. & three-story apt bldg covering 44% of lot. C-15338 NH. 8-2-78. Pri sci I la C. Freeland 4030 Haines Street. to const a four unit, R-2A Zone. Conditions. Lots 24 & 25- Permit was considered by ZA to BLAKE M. AND LYDIA BARTON (I) to construct a 76 sq. ft. bath and kitchen addition to existing nonconforming dwelling on lot with existing dwelling. Nonconforming dwelling observes a 1 1 611 interior side yard where 4 1 is required (addition will observe all required yards); (2) to maintain two existing parking spaces where three are required for two dwellings; (3) to maintain existing 206 sq. ft. enclosed porch observing a 7" interior yard where 4' is required; (4) to result in 44 percent lot coverage where maximum 40 percent is permitted, and (5) to maintain 6 1 611 fence and retaining wall observing a O' rear yard where maximum 6 1 high fence is permitted,, at 4012 Haines Street, Zone R-2A. DECISION: APPROVED ltesm 1, 3 1 4, and 5; DENIED Item 2. Conditions C-17261 6-29-81