(2nd)Fortuna Park Addn. Block 11 Card 2
(2ND)FORTUNA PARK ADDN. BLOCK 11 CARD 2.tif (SECOND) FORTUNA PARK ADDITION BLOCK 11 Card #2 Lots 41 and 42- ZA has DENIED the amended request of AL BARRACK to add a third level to an existing two-Story duplex; third level to be a third unit and provide three parallel compact parking spaces where five parking spaces are required at 3968 Haines Street, zone R-1500., C-18686 1/18/85 IDts 7 thru 12- Pennission is granted to CMner/Penni.ttee to derrolish three existing units and construct ten units with underground parking located at 3951- 3969 Riviera Dr. R-1500 Zone. Coastal Dev. 90-1029 4/23/92