(2nd)Fortuna Park Addn. Block 2 Card 1
(2ND)FORTUNA PARK ADDN. BLOCK 2 CARD 1.tif (SECOND)FOR'l'UNA PARK- BLOCK 2 Lots 10 & 11- Permit to Mrs. Claire Hoover Carrell to oper part cerami0$ & miniature plastic shell cactus gardens, 4045 Haines. Res._, CAR.D #1 2.7 time shop for m:f'g 6229 2-20-52 Lots 30 & 31- Permit to Claude & Patricia H. Gignoux to conv exist gar to apt, making 3 units on lots, 2 units served by 7' access, 4036 Promontory, condl Res. 7332 4-15-53 Lots 10 & 11- Permit to J. STEPHEN PENNER-to const a three-story triplex obs a 4 1 interior side yard on each side and to obs a 17 1 rear yard. 4045 Haines Street. R-2A Zone. Conditions. C-15082 NH. 4-11-78. Lots 22 & 23- DECISION: DENIED AS SUBMI'ITED, BUT APPROVED ITEMS 1 & 4, WITH CONDITIONS, permit to Barbara Lundblade to construct a three-story building in Fortuna Park, Second F.dition, block 2, Map No. 0895, located at 4004 Prarontory Street, Zone R-1500.-2:-6-87..