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Alta Mesa Villas Block 2

ALTA MESA VILLAS BLOCK 2.tif ALTA MESA VILLAS BLOCK 2 oo-z--.,:,.:,-q L, c. Z:zc::> ' I 7-S G Lot 4- Permit DENIED to RN Wheatcraft to div said lot into two building sites, ea 75'x 1,50 1 & const sin fam res on ea, 5131 Manchester Rd. Res No 2954 3-10-48 Lot 4- Permit to R N i!heatcraft to bld 165 1 of 12 1 wire f8Ilce for play ar2a in rear rd l l Manchester Rd. Res No 06 8-10- 9 Lot- Permit to Franz F W & Margaretha C. Mattern to div into 2 par & erect sin fam res,2n_e,!!;,_511.2 Hanc,he_!!t~r_Rg,._____,Re.2, 1:!,0_5181___________ J:2.=.lJ-:20______. Lots 6 and 7, CUP approved with conditions by ZA, S.V.D.P. MANAGEMENT, INC. sought to convert ah existing SF dwelling to a nine-person Residential Care Facility at 5120 70th Street, Rl-5000 Zone C-21460 7-16-97