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Development Services

Alta Vista Suburb Block B

ALTA VISTA SUBURB BLOCK B.tif ALTA VISTA SUBURB BLOCK B Lots 25 and 26- Permit to Lila Brown to main exs garage converted to living area obs at closest ~ta 2' Inter IOI~ 4588 T Street. R-1-5. 11-22-7R CeRElitioos. c-1564S:-- Al~ lle~r-t0.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 25 & 26, Yard Variance was approved by HO, LILA BROWN SMITH, OWNER/PERMITTEE sought to construct a one-story patio cover and room addition observing a 3'-6" north side yard where 4 1 is required, to maintian existing driveways separated by 19 1-811 where 30' is required for driveways serving the same premises, and to maintain existing fencing not meeting design criteria within the 15' required front yard, described as, and identified by size, dimension, quantity, type and \location on the approved exhibits "A" at 4588 T Street, SF-5000 Zone 99-0738 9-22-99