Alta Vista Suburb Block G
ALTA VISTA SUBURB BLOCK G.tif._.,..,,....-,-,_.~ ...:.,.v-,;....,.r,...,,..__._,_____--,---.. ~-~__;.:-if ALTA VISTA SUBURB BLOCK G 0; ' Lots 43 & 44- Permit to Andrew J. Watson to const block wall 3' hi above sidewalk grade, at 718 s 46th st. Case #697 8/10/56 Lots 29 & 30- Variance JUAN & ROJELIA CALVILLO to construct a 230 sq. ft. bedroom and bath addition to an existing nonconforming single-family residence with a second single-family dwelling on a lot where such expansion to a nonconforming structure and use is permitted only by variance at 830 south 46th Street. Zone Rl-5000. Map #1008 C-19513 3/6/87. DECISION: APPROVED with conditions