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Alta Vista Suburb Block H

ALTA VISTA SUBURB BLOCK H.tif ALTA VISTA SUBURB BLOCK H. 8 Lots 21 & 22, 23, 24- Cond 1 l permit to J.J. San Filippo to erect a store bldg., 40 1~0 1 on the NE corner of 45th & Logan Ave. with 50 1 setback from Logan Ave. & 15 1 on 45th st. Res 681 8/J/44 Lots 47-48- Permit to Albert &Evelyn Jackson to constr 654 sq. ft. bedroom, bath and family room addn to exist non-conforming sin fam residence with 2nd sin fam dwel.l on lot; at 4531 "T" St. betw West st. and 45th St. Zone R-1-5, Cond'l. C-12930 N,H, ll-26-74---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rots 17, 18, 19, & 20- PIANNING DIRECI'OR GRANl'ED a Southeast San Diego Residential Develonent Pe:rmit to JOHN MA'ITHE,WS to construct a SE San Diego Residential Developrent located on the east side of 45th Street between Logan Avenue and T Street, Map 1008, SF-5000 Zone of SE San Diego Ccmnunity. SESDRDP #89-0963 12-22-89 Lots 33 & 34- AGREEMENT with James And Doretha Gragam to construct a one-story and one- half bathroom with exterior access and interior access to existing kitchen, located at 812 West STreet,. SF-5000 Zone.___________________-"'A""g"'-r.;;;;;.:m;;;.;e;;;;nc.ct_;;_/l...;5:;..;2;;.;;S;..:;5____ ~12;;;.;/c.;2:;..;0..:./~9.c:1____