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Development Services

Altadena Block C_ Card_001

ALTADENA BLOCK C_ CARD_001.tif ALTADENA BLOCK C Lot 5- Setback suspended to E. J. Bartosik Res. No. jJ86l 4-20-25-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 12- Build cottage 61 from P.L. on Boundary St., with a gar out to the front P.L. (Van McElwain) Res. No. 50073 5-13-29 Lot 28 exc il' ly 55'- Permit to Audeen Henderson (Audeen Cunningham) to demolish exist gar & replace with 13' x 25 1 gar, O' side yd, gar 15' from front P.L., 3325 Upas. Res. No. 4345 12-28-49 Lot 20- Permit to Thomas s. & Dorothy J. Rayborn to const 732 sq. ft. gar with apt over on lot with exist sing fam res; resulting in approx 46% coverage where 4(J}o is perm on Lot 20, bll C, at 3338 Felton St. betw Thorn & Upas Sts., Zone R-2. Case No. 5897 8-21-63----------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------Lot 25- Permit to Patrick & Llona Potter to const 10' x 19' rec rm addn to exist non-conf studio on same lot with non-conf sin fam dwell; structure to main 2 1-611 sideyd where 4' req, 3370 f'e l ton St., 2bne R-2, cond' I c-13299 I 0-7-75 Lot 20- Permit APPROVED by ZA to Nana Berech to maintain an existing resid. care home for 8 elderly adults at 3338 & 3340 Felton St. Cl6715 5/15/80