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Development Services

Altadena Block C_ Card_002

ALTADENA BLOCK C_ CARD_002.tif ALTADENA BLOCK C Card, Lot 9- ZA APPROVED CUP/Variance request of DEAN A. ALLEN AND MANUEL A. GIMENO to maintain the following, currently in violation: (1) convert a second dwelling unit with an attached storage room to guest quarters where such use is permitted by CUP only; said guest quarters;storage room obs. a 0'-6" side yard where 4' is required; PARTIALLY APPROVED (2) guest quarters within an existing garage mainb.aining a 0'-6" side yard setback; APPROVED (8) an enclosed patio addition obs. a side yard of 3'-3" where 4 1 is required; but DENIED (3) guest quarters/storage room obs. a 3' rear yard where 4' is required; (4) a covered porch obs. a 3'-4" side yard where 4' is required; (5) a covered jacuzzi structure obs. a 2'-8" rear yard where 4' is required; (7) a covered porch attached to the garage conversion obs. a 0 1-6 11 side yard where 4 1 is required, located at 3339 33rd Street, Rl-5000 Zone, Greater North Park Connnunity Planning Area. Conditions. C-21063 1/29/93------------------------------------------------------------------------------