Altadena Block K_ Card_001
ALTADENA BLOCK K_ CARD_001.tif ALTADENA BLOCK K O D\w:C: I ' Lot 16- Permit to Donald C. & Claire B. Schultz to construct addition to existing garage and add laundry room &, making total length 34 1 with 14 1 side yard, at 3130 33rd St. Case No. 120 3-23-54 East 45' of Lot 1- Permit to Hollie B. & Jeane Stephenson to construct 11' x 19' fam. & laundry room addition to existinf single family dwelling on lot which is presently non- conforming as to rear yard (8'); addition to observe 9' rear yard where 101 is required at 3265 Thorn Street between Bancroft Street & 33rd Street, C-zone. C-10229 NH 12-2-70 Lot 10- Permit DENIED by ZA to Georges. Higgins to maintain a second dwelling on a lot with an existing single-family dwelling; (1) carport of existing dwelling observes a 2 1 611 interior side yard where 4' is requried; and (2) second dwelling observes a 1'2" interior side yard where 4' is required, at 3125 Bancroft Street, R-2 zone. C-17513 1-15-82 Lot 21- ZA has DENIED the yard variance requested by Walter G., Evelyn J. & Kendra L. KUBIS to convert an existing storage building (with proposed addition) to living area to create a second dwelling unit, 3220 33rd Street, Map #1663, R-3000 zone. C-19442 1-16-87