Altadena Sub., Map#1663 Card_ 003
ALTADENA SUB., MAP#1663 CARD_ 003.tif ALT.ADENA SUB. Map#1663 Card #3 lot 4- Permit to Helen Mccurry to const 14 ft, x 26 ft,, patio cover to exist sun deck of sin fam dwell; cover to obs 3'6" interior side yd where 4 ft, is req; am to result in 56~ coverage where 50~ is perm (existing structure covers 561' granted by Variance C-10501 and in nonconforming as to side yards) at 3253 McKinley St. Betwn Boundary St. and '!horn St, Zone R-4. C-ai2,332 N,H. ll-20-73----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 7- Permit to Hugh T. Johnson, Jr. to const a sfd on a parcel with an exs sfd; new sfd to obs a 5' front yard, and balcony to obs 2' sb on Boundary Street and a 4' interior ~~~=-:~~~:__::::_~=~~~~::_::~::::__ ~==-=~~=:--~~~~~=~~~~:--~=~~~~~:__ J~_f!':t~-~?.i Lot 15, VARIANCE was approved by H.O., WILLIAM PATTEN, OWNER sought to construct a wood deck above an existing garage that extends the length of the existing single-family residence that will observe a 7'6" front yard setback where 15' is required and a O' interior side yard setback where 4' is required, described as, and identified by size dimension, quantity, type and location on the approved Exhibits "A", Rl-5000 Zone 99-0134 6-23-99-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------