Alvarado Terrace_Card_001
ALVARADO TERRACE_CARD_001.tif,,.~-- ,..___.;~~~-.-,-Ji"",T WAWXi'M1Bici:: ~"!7'::io'~ > C. -.:.: z....:,- i-, "t I ~ '., tot 9 Permit to!. & nae Feurzeig to construct a res & gar with SI side yd, with eaves projecting 18" into the req. side yd, on Armin Way turn-e.i,,ung, R-lA C'ae No. 927 1-10-56--------------------------------------------- Lot 4 Pennt to Martin L. & Enid H. Gleich to const res with 4 1 eave projection (2 permitted) 81 fence, (6 1 per.) with 5' side yd (10 1 req), on W side Norris RD betw Armin Way & Ierlla &nta Dr., R-lA Case No. 992 2-8-57------------------------------------------------ Lota 112 Permit to Victor Selten to re-locate lot line according to Cert. of 91.lrvey, on Norris Rd. Betw Yerba &nta & Armin W!!Y, R-lA Case Nol 1.36.3" 8-16-57------------------------------ Lot 7 Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Jaffe to conat sing. ram res & attach carport 7 1 side yd on one side & 9 1 side yd with 2'.3" eave cm the other side (101 aide yd & min. 7i from eave to property line req.); also por. of res to bbaerve 161 ~ (15 1 req.) on Way off Norris Rd., R-lA Casesll.9.3.3 &19.34 7-11-58----------------------------------- Lot 8 Pe:--mf.t to Moe & Mildred Axelrod to conat an 1:fam res obav 6 12" aide yd (6 to 10 1 req), with eaves on both sides proj 25% at end of Armin Way, Zone R-lA. Case 2533 6-.3-59--------------------------------------------------- Lot 10 Permit to Allan & fJearl L11me to const sing fam res & gar, one corner jar obs 6 SB; gar obs 6 1 side yd both sides (6.75' to 9.7 1 side yd req); eaves proj max 25% into 6 1 side yd (10% width of lot req) Sly side rtnnin Way, W of Norris Rd, R-lA zone------------------------------- Cases 3845 & 3846 2-10-61