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Development Services

American Park Addition Block 10

AMERICAN PARK ADDITION BLOCK 10.tif ~~rican Park Addition tot 42 & Nt tot 41, Permit to David A. tot 40 &!!tty tot 41, ff u,,,.,,. ".,,.,, " Block 10 ~i th to erect ()ne sin fa.m res. lU 91 " " " ff " " " " 2-3-54 2-J-44 Lot 28, 29, & Sly 10' Lot JO, Permit to Hubert A. & Agnes Cl Cyrus to construct sim tam res & gar. with 60 1 frontage on Paul Jones Ave. R-1 zone s-643 11-10-59 Lot 30, exc S 10 1 all Lot 31, & S 51 of Lot 32, Permit to Dorothy L Danforth to maintain R-1 usage, with 45 ft, on Paul Jones Ave,. R-1 zone s-641.4 11-10-59 Lot 32 exc S 5 1, & all Lot 33, Penni t to Dorothy L Dabforth to construct s:ia f'am. res in future with 4Sft. frontaie on Paul Jones Ave., R-1 "3-64S 11-10-59 Lots 1-4 Pemit to John E. & Isa Click to const a sing fam res obs a 61 SB where a 15' SB is req at 3100 Block Brnadywine st. betw Paul Jones A" & Morena m.vd. ~one R-1-5 Cond 11. Case No 7939 12-8-66 Lots 1- 4 Pennit DENIED to John E. & Isa Click to const a sing fam res obs a 141 rear yd where a 20 1 rear yd is req; at 3100 Block Brandywine st. betw Paul Jones ave. & Morena Blvd. Zone R-1-f Case No. 7940 12-8-66 ABOVE caseNo 7939 APPEALED by Frederick W. Shoelkopf, president of the American Park & Crestview Heights Civic Association to Board of Zoning Appeals and the appeal was DENIED and the decision of the &,A, is sustained and affirmed, Case 1{7939 1-23-6? APPEALED to City Council & appeal GRANTED & decision of Z.A. & Board of Zoning Appeals is reversed, CC Res, 189585 2-16- 67