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Development Services

American Park Addition Block 5_Card #1_

AMERICAN PARK ADDITION BLOCK 5_CARD #1_.tif Lots 41, 42- to J. Dean Sm.itb. to const l2' x 10' stable ~Or 1 horae on Trenton It., S of Bunker Bill Bes 756 10/9/44------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------s Lot 8, All 9, 10- M. W. a. Mary Jane Morris to erect aing tam. res on combined parcel s-218 lft Lot 8, All 6,7- " " " " " " " " " " " " S-217------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots 17 & 18- Permit to Edwin J. & Irene D. Antus to constr carport addn to sng tam dwlg addn to obs o frnt yd, where 15 1 is req & 0 1 sideyard where 4 1 is req, at 3527 Moultrie Ave bet Bunker Hill & Ticonderoga st, Zone R-1-5 Condl Case #8885 10-4-68 Lots 15-16- Permit to Jim & Marie IO.ine to add bedroom, bath and recreation room.and add bar sink to exist study at 3537 Moultrie Ave. zone R-1-5. AGREE #1959 5-28-74 Lots 21 & 22- AGREEMENT to Floyd & Ida Tagliaferri to constr s fam res with bar sink in fam room on lower floor, at 3511 Moultrie St., Zone R-1-5~ AGREE #2174 7-1-76----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 3, 4 & 5- AGREEMENT to Beverly & Carl Anderson to constr a new sin fam dwell w/bar sink on lower level, at 3585 Moultrie St., Zone R-1-5, AGREE #2317 11-15-77----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------