American Park Addition Block 5_Card #4_
AMERICAN PARK ADDITION BLOCK 5_CARD #4_.tif 'LRICAN PARK ADDITION BLOCK 5 Card 114 Lots 6, 7 and por. 8- ZA APPROVED CUP Request of LEE E. AND ELIZABETH M. DUPUIS to (1) convert a detached, recreation room above a three-car garage on a lot with a one-story single-family dwelling to guest quarters where such use is permitted by CUP only, but DELETED Variance request to (2) construct retaining walls within the 15' required front yard to a max. hgt. of 12 1-10" where 12' is the max. hgt. permitted in compliance with design criteria as a variance is not necessary. Conditions. C-21068 2/5/93-----------------------------------------------------------------