American Park Addition Block 6_Card #2_
AMERICAN PARK ADDITION BLOCK 6_CARD #2_.tif ~(,~,. "'::':'"AMERICAN P.ltRK ADDITION BLOCK 6 Card #2 Lots 34 & 35- Permit DENIED to Stanley A. & Helen J. Merritt to const a ming fam res with a 10 1 x 17 1 attached carport extension resulting in approx 46% coiJerage where 40% is permit in the J600 block of Trenton Ave. oetw Brandywine and Bunker Hill 3ts, Zone R-1-5. Case Nos. 7757 & 7758 7-7-66--------------------------------------------------------------------------------tots 34 & 35- The Asst. Z.A. considered the app of Stanley A. & Helen J. Merritt to const sing fam res with 61 x 17 1 balcony resulting in 43% coverage where 4CJJ, is perm, at 3642 & 3646 Trenton Ave. betw Brandywine St. & bunker Hill St., Zone R-1-5, and has DENIED 43% coverage as requested but has GRANTED 41.4% coverage, Cond 11. Case Nos. 7866 & 7867 9-23-66 Lots 15 & 16- The Z.A. considered AMENDED app to const 22'x 26' detached gar & workshop on parcel with exist sing fam res; gar to ob 16' rear yd where 20' is req. at 3629 Moultrie Ave. bet Brandywine St.t Bunker Hill Dr,,Zone R-1-5. GRANTED.______________________________________________ Case_No._86~4__________________ 2-l2i68________ Lots 24 & 25- Permit to Frank & June Warlick to main a 9' x 40' patio addn to exist single family dwelling; addn to obs 11 interior side yard where 4 1 is required at 3606 Trention Ave. betw. Bnker Hill & Brandywine St. Zone R-1-5 C- 10644 8-16-71-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------