American Park Addition Block 7_Card#2_
AMERICAN PARK ADDITION BLOCK 7_CARD#2_.tif BLOCK 7 Lot 33- TABLED- John Sedlack req perm to constr sin fam dwell on sub-standard lot which is adj to sub-standard lot (Lot 34) both under same ownership where no lots or parcels which contiguous to each other and joined in ownership shall be separated in ownership so as to create a lot or parcel which has an area cf less than that req by min lot dimensions for R-1-5 zone-36oo blk- w side Moultrie-betw Brandywine St. and Bunker Hill St. R-1-5 zone. C-12933 Filed 1-3-75 Lot 33- Permit APPROVED by ZA to JOHN SEDLACK, TRUSTEE; DAVID JOHNSON, purchaser, to construct a single-fa,,i ly dwel 1 ing on substandard lot which is adjacent to substandard Jot under the same ownership where lots or parcels which are contiguous to each other and joined in ownership shall not be separated so as to create a lot or parcel which has an area of less than that required by the zone, south of 3644 Moultrie Avenue Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-17266 7-24-81