Angelus Heights_Blocks 1,2,3,4,5,6
ANGELUS HEIGHTS_BLOCKS 1,2,3,4,5,6.tif ANGELUS HEIGHTS BLOC.KB 1,2,3,4,5,6 Por Lot B- Permit DENIED to Pacific Bay Development Corp to constr and operate a planned residential development located on tne east side of Imperial Ave betw Lisbon St and tne San Diego City Limits also Lots 1-22 Halecrest Heignts #1 and Lot 12 Rancno Mission. Zone R-1-5. PRD#26 8-13-71-----------:------------------------------------------------------------------------Pox and fiOt 1:2, Ranctto Bx Miee:l.on, Por of Meisel '!lrae-e, por Helecree'b Heign'te {fl Permit to Paeti.:t1e Bay .1 SePp te eenetP &&a epeN~ e PHB OB 'tlne Best sf:de of Impexial Ave, bet, Yiewcxest ~1 and Wood1ow Ave. ~oae R l 5 and R l 5 (LO o,erlay) PRB-26 8 31 72---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------