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Development Services

Arlington Block 295_Card_001

ARLINGTON BLOCK 295_CARD_001.tif--. BiociC295... CA]~ 1 to Janet Matton to oper beauty shop for per of 1 yr, part-time only,~. 3885 Birch gt. ies.!/2540 10-8-4?.:-------------------------------------------------- Lot F Ext of 1 yr on Res /12540 ABOVE to Janet Mattoon. Res #3420 9-8-48----------------------------------------------------------Lot F Ext to Res 113420 ABOVE to Janet Mattoon Res #J;l.26 9-?-49-------------------------------------------------------------------Lot F Ext to Res #1.126 which extended Retl #3420 & 2540 ABOVE to Janet Mattoon Res # 46?7 5-17-50-------------------------------------------------------------Lot F Ext Res #46TI tp expire 6-30-52 to Janet Mattoon Reir #5526 5-16-51---------=----------------------------------------------------Lot F 1 yr ext. to Res# 5526 ABOVE to Janet Mattoon "' Res f/6507 5-28-52----------------------------------------------------------Lot F 1yr. Ext to Res /16507 ABOVE to Janet Mattoon res /fl416 5-13-53-----------------------------------------------------------------------Lot F 2 yr. Ext to Res lf/416 ABOVE to Janet Mattoon res #fn.91 5-12-54--------------------------------------------------------------Lot F 2 yr. Ext to Res #fn.91 ABOVE to Janet Mattoon ext 4 yr. Case # 4"J3 5-22-56 6-13-58-------------------------------------------------------------------