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Arlington Block C_Card_001

ARLINGTON BLOCK C_CARD_001.tif ' ~~. ARL!NGTQN. BLOCK. C tot 5, 1 ermit to Pa~ ficco to move single ram . rram res from 1528 j ~t. Birch ~. tlM Res 114 7 cm ii to 3628 6-29-51 tot 6, Permit to Paul Picco to move duplex from 1523-34 J 31.. to 3632 Birch st. HM Res 1146 6-29-51 tot 8, Permit to Paul Picco to move res from 420- 16th St. to 3644 Birch 31.. HM Res 117? 8-21-51 LOT 22, Permit to lsabel Bedford to move sin i'a1n1 fl'8Jlle res from 411 s. Eecuella st. to 3701 Acacia st. HM Ree 1222 10-23-51 Permit to mov f om o am roe HM 0-- tot 20, Perm t to Arthur F. Reese to move. JI.~. Jam. res from 101 Highwy Old Town,rea br e to cacia st HM 7-8- Lots 23,24, 25 Fendt to sabel Bedford to move or const sing ram res with no st fr., easement across Lot 22, Acacia st, & 37th, Res 6313 3-19-52 Lots 23-25 Permit to Isabel Bedford to move stucco gar from 43 27 Altadena st. to 3699 Aracia st.._ HM Res 134.3 4-7-52 Permit to ~sabel Bedford to move stcco gar from ram res from 3301 E 8th st. National City, to 3699 Acacia St. HM Res 1344 4-7-52 Lots 23-25 Pennt to 1sabel Bedford to conv exist gar to liv unit, making total of 2 units of 3 lots with no st. fr., served by 20 1 easement across Lot 22, 3699 Acacia Rea No. 7 7 Lots 22 Permit to Raymond E Culver to move sin fam res from 3039 Greely % to 3701 Acacia st. HM Res. 1892 4-2-54