Arnold & Choate's Add Block 21 Card 2
ARNOLD & CHOATE'S ADD BLOCK 21 CARD 2.tif ARNOLD & CHOATES ADDITION.- 7.- I-~ ! ' BLOCK 21 CARD 112 (:.:.._\~:','., I Lots 10,11&12- ZA APPROVED amended request of FRANCIS W. PARKER SCHOOL (CORP)- 1) to ' develop property with an unlighted tennis court to serve the adjacent school; 2) to erect a 12' hi chain link fence along front property line observing a 3' front yd where max. 3' hi fence is permitted; 3) to erect 12' hi chain 1 ink fence along street side yd where max. 3' hi fence is permitted; & 4) to erect 12 1 hi chain link fence along ~r yd where max 6 1 hi fence is permitted in current R-3000 & Rl-5000 zones at 1400 block of Montecito Way West; NE corner between Randolph & Lark St. with conds. C-18837 6/28/85 Lots 1-9 & 18-24- ZA APPROVED request of FRANCIS W. PARKER SCHOOL TO 1) replace existing chain 1 ink fencae with 52/ of 7' hi concrete block wall & wrought iron gate; 2) install bronze letters total size of sign 12 sq. ft. The wall to observe a 3' yard where max. 3' hi wall is permitted in the reqd. 15' front yard on 4201 Randolph St., Zone R-3000 with conds. C-18969 (...--- 10/24/85--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------