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Arnold & Choate's Add Block 40

ARNOLD & CHOATE'S ADD BLOCK 40.tif ARNOLn & CHOATl:S ADD I Tl ON ~,.,. 0, '-'I BLOCK 40., Lots 13, 14, 15 ~ ZA DENIED request of JAMES & HELEN MELLOS to construct a 6 1 high solid wood fence, 25'along and 10' perpendicular to the street side property line, where a max. 3' high fence is permitted within the 10' deep street side yd.section that is within 50' of the front property line at 4106 Lark Street, Zone Rl-5000. (APPEALED to BZA) C-18572 10/1/84 Lots 13, 14 & 15- AZ APPROVED Amended request of JAMES & HELEN MELLOS to constr. a 504 sq. ft. guest quarters adjacent to an exist. detached garage & an exist SFD, where a Conditional Use Permit is required for grest quarterx. at 4106 Lark St., Zone Rl-5000, subj to cond. C-18568 9/.14/84 Lots 13, 14 & is-,:t@IA overturned and modified the decision of the ZA, APPROVING 35' of 5'- 0'' high fence, observing at the closest point at 0'-0" street side yard at 4106 Lark Street, Zone R-1-5000~ C-18572 11/7/84