Arnold & Choate's Add Block 52 Card 1
ARNOLD & CHOATE'S ADD BLOCK 52 CARD 1.tif Block 52, the S-15' or Lot 5, alJ of L-6 and N-5 of L-7 Private gar back 10 1 of P.L. on Eagle St. (Granted to H.M. Lyon) 9-18-.3.3 Rex f:IJ720 Blk 52, Lots 21-22, Private gar to the prop line on Dove St., Res 62408 Granted to Dnmet Zink 12-11-34 Lots 3-4 & N 10 1 of 5. ~gle car gar, 611 from the side lot line a distance of 17 ft from front property line in Zone R-2 providing construction herein authorized shall match appearance or residence. Granyed to Home Owners Loan Corp. by Res 7600 Jan 20, 1942 North 9' Lot 20 & Lots 21- 24, incl.- Permit to Joseph S. & Alberta P. Stevens to construct 7* x 16' bedroom and 10' x 15 1 deck additioa to rear of detached studio apartment building on a percel with single family residence; deck addition to observe O' rear yard where a 15' rear yard is required; 493t5. Dove Street, Zone R-4; and after consideration of the following finding of facts, has APPROVED the request. Case No. 8705 6-12-68----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 8,17,18, por T- Permit to R. Joseph Shultz, Tnomas Pastore, Owners and Central Fed. Savings, purch to dev prop for use as a parking lot to serve proposed commercial use to be located immediately adj to tne south in the C Zone, at Wasnington St betw Eagle and Dove streets. Zone R-4. Cond'l. C-11471 9-15-72 AMENDED (4-5-73)