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Development Services

Arnold & Choate's Add Block 57 Card 2

ARNOLD & CHOATE'S ADD BLOCK 57 CARD 2.tif... caran. E35' of Lots 9-12- Permit to Gaye Andrews Zeno Cadwell to const 10' x 24' addition to existing single family dwelling; pddn to obs 12' front yd wnere 15' is required at 1116 Washington Place between Jackdaw & Ibis Streets, ZoneR-4, condl c-9691 2-3-70---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 19 and the south 15 '-0" of Lot 20- Permit DEN I ED by ZA to RI CHARD M. AND SYLVIA TRUMBULL to remove an existing two-story addition to an existing commercial building and construct a new 22 1-0" X 27'-0", 1,188 sq. ft., two-story commercial a~dition observing a 0 1-011 rear yard where 15'-0" is required, located at 4024 Ibis Street, Zone C. c-18238 11-4-83 Lots 21-24 & Por of Lot 20- ZA DENIED request of DONALD H, DAY & JOHN I, SCHOile to constr. 2nd-story addn containing 9,076 sq. ft, to an existing commercial bldg. 2nd-story addn to observe a 5' rear yd where 15' is reqd when the rear yd abuts a residentially zoned property at 1111 Ft. Stockton Dr., Zone C. C-18875 8/2/85------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All lots 21-24, Satellite antenna, project is in conpliance with new regulations, refunded 7-9-90, Full Spectn.nn Connunications, 1111 Ft. Stockton Dr., map #354, zone CJ3 - C-20578 6-27-90