Arnold Knolls Annex
ARNOLD KNOLLS ANNEX.tif ARNOLD KNOLLS ANNEX Lot 107- Permit to Wallace L. Steinhoff to const 6 1 high rdwd fence obs 5' sb. 3424 Vienna Street, R-2 Zone. C-2056. 9-26-58. Lot 108- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. George E. Baylor to maintain rumpus rm with bar sink & fire- place. Rumpus rm is detached from exs single family res and obs 12' rear yard at 3448 Vienna Street. Zone R-2. Conditional. C-4766. 3-2-62. Lot 104- Permit DENIED to Leo W. Bateson to main exs 24'4"x20' garage addn on lot with sfd; gar obs 11 10" sb on Petra Drive where 10' has been estab at 3451 Fir Street, SW cor Fir & Petra Drive. Zone R-2. c-9629. 12-17-69. iotj2 C-9629- APPEALED TO BZA- DENIED. 1-19-70. C-9629- APPEALED TO COUNCIL- GRANTED. Lot 108- Permit to Carmen & Antonio Zepeda to const 14'x18' fam rm addn to an exs sfd obs a 16' rear yard at 3348 Vienna Street. R-1-5 Zone. C-15257 NH. 6-26-78. Lot 120- Permit to Arthur & Dolores Specht at 3435 Vienna St., Zone R-11-5, to constr gar addn to exst sgle fam dwell (exst gar to be conv to rec rm); new gar to obs 3 1 fryd sb where JO' is est. Condit. Lot 107 Large Family Day Care Permit 00007-94 C-15869 1-94 4/20/79