Arnold Knolls Card 2
ARNOLD KNOLLS CARD 2.tif Lot l- Land Conservation Permit to John Palastini for 5' retaining wall, 25' in length, at 2170 Westland Ave. 139-LC 9-17-74 Lot 7- Pe:rmi t to H. G. Blanchard for 22' x 25' deck at 2115 Westland Ave. 183-LC 5-5-75------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 25- Hillside Review Permit to Becerra for grading not proposed- 2152 Pentuckett Ave. 240 HR 10-20-75--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Lot 12 & 13- Permit to Giacalone & Cummings to fil I slope to be landscaped with gr_cover, 2172 Corrmonwealth & 2158 Commonwealth 287 HR 5-6-76 Lot 8- AGREEMENT to GERALD D, AND JEANINE M, SALYER to install a bar sink in a second story family room addition, at 2129 Westland Avenue, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2782 5/12/82