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Development Services

Arnolds Heights #1

ARNOLDS HEIGHTS #1.tif Lot 10- DENIAL to Porfirio & A Diaz to convert existing garage attached to dwelling to bedroom and maintain existing driveway for open parking area; open parking area to encroach 9 ft. into estab 12 1 sb on Baily Pl where no parking area is permitted at 4711 Baily Place betw,endell St and Maple St, Zone n-1-5. C-7954 12-8-66 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 45- Land Conservation Permit Approval to Edward Bellin for patio cover, on the west side of Ridge View. 55-LC 10-12-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 42- Permit to Luther C & Helen Wright DENIED to constr 2nd story addn to exist single-fam dwell; addn to obs 10' rear yd, at 2987 53rd St. Zone R-1-5. v c- I 4652 4/17 /79