Arnolds Park Map 2700 Block 4
ARNOLDS PARK MAP 2700 BLOCK 4.tif ' ARNOLD;, PARK-,-!.,L Zb"l--1,.1 I MAP 2700 BLOCK 4 Lot 18- Permit to Lee W & Catherine Wright to const a two-story add dwel-i; add to obs a 6 1 6" rear yd where 20' is reqd, at 4827 Fir St., Case #15654 to an exist sin fam zone R-1-5. Condt. 1/9/79---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 2- AGREEMENT with WILLIAM KIDD to constr. a 2-story fam. room, bedroom & bath addn. with outside access to an existing one-story, SFD at 1709 Brookline St., Zone Rl-5000. AGREEMENT #3198 11/28/84 Lot 2- AGREEMENT with William Kidd to constr. a two-story fam. room, bedroom & bath addn with outside access to an existing one-story SFD at 1709 Brook! ine St., Zone Rl-5000. (sorry repeat of above) AGREEMENT #3198 11/28/84-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 15- Agreement with GARY T. and ANGELIS McWILLIAMS to construct a two bedroom, family room, den, one and one-half bath and full bath addition to an existing single- family residence. Addition has exterior access and interior access through existing kitchen and living room, located at 1810 Brookline Street. Rl-5000 zone Agreement No. 4924 3/13/91