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Development Services

Arnolds West Woods Hills Unit#1

ARNOLDS WEST WOODS HILLS UNIT#1.tif Lot 43- Marvin E. & Betty Jean Browning to convert an existing gar into kitchen laundry rm 'md bath, and to maintain the existing kitchen in the res until the propesed'~onversion is completed AGREEMENT #883 March 10. 1955 Lot 92- z.A. nae coll8idered the req of Dermis M, and Barbara Btoz to eieet app1ox ~5 of 6 b.i solid wood fence obs O' SB on Deburn Dr vb.ere ax 3' fence is perm in estab 10' SB; at 2204-52nd St, 11W cor 52nd St and Deburn Dr. Zone R-1-5, b.a8 DEIIED ae requested but APPROVED 5' tligb fence obs O' SB Qn Deburn Dr., Cond'l. C-lo619 R.H. 7-6-71----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 103- AGREEMENT to JIMMY AND PATRICIA CASAS to construct two story addition to exist- ing single-family dwelling with bath as desired, at 2036 Haniman Drive, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2848 9-15-82